Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Iran is a real Man

The letter from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made only an oblique reference to Iran's nuclear intentions, asking why "any technological and scientific achievement reached in the Middle East region is translated into and portrayed as a threat to the Zionist regime."

Yahoo News Article

This is like the political way of saying, "Bring it!"
US responded to this by saying, "Oh, its already been broughten!"


Snazzyazi said...

Bring it on is my favorite movie of ALL time.

Pakcola said...

yah me 2, I have it, want to come over and watch it?

Snazzyazi said...

OMG YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!! how did i not know this??? I totally want to come over and watch it. How about Thursday??????? HAHAHAHHAHAH

K2 said...

Way to miss my point about iran all together. i cant believe you have are talking about this on my blog. Im going to erase this from my blog, because it not only degrates me and my blog , but you guys as well.

Pakcola said...

bring it on k2!

Anonymous said...

we can take u K2!!!

Snazzyazi said...

k2- i haven't read a good nerd joke in awhile. where they at??
